

引用元:Prime Video


Kill Pill #TakeAMovieToThePharmacy

— Greg Morter (@Evi1Geniu5) July 22, 2021

Fifty Shades of Viagra #TakeAMovieToThePharmacy#dexterstallworth.com pic.twitter.com/RmH52ODO34

— Dexter Stallworth (@Dexter_921) July 22, 2021

10 Things I Hate About Flu #TakeAMovieToThePharmacy

— TrivWorks (@TrivWorks) July 22, 2021

Aspirin the Friendly Ghost #TakeAMovieToThePharmacy pic.twitter.com/X0EodQPkCc

— Cristiane Young (@Crisopera1) July 22, 2021

Cold School #TakeAMovieToThePharmacy

— TrivWorks (@TrivWorks) July 22, 2021

Dial M for Maalox #TakeAMovieToThePharmacy pic.twitter.com/Szfivmjxrz

— Tom Harrington (@cbctom) July 22, 2021

RX Of The Lost Ark#TakeAMovieToThePharmacy pic.twitter.com/R9oI1wVWNV

— Justinnnnnn️ (@fivefortweeting) July 22, 2021

Zoloft Hard #TakeAMovieToThePharmacy pic.twitter.com/fk8iGruHHK

— teatime75 (@teatime75) July 22, 2021

We're the Refillers#TakeAMovieToThePharmacy pic.twitter.com/jjIwnb5DYL

— Ms. WonderKat (@WonderKat365) July 22, 2021

Die Hard *brought to you by Pfizer #TakeAMovieToThePharmacy

— CookieMan (@pcook102) July 22, 2021

Covidiodrome #TakeAMovieToThePharmacy

— Dan Levey (@iamdanlevey) July 22, 2021

Animal Pharm-acy #TakeAMovieToThePharmacy

— Greg Morter (@Evi1Geniu5) July 22, 2021

I second that skin lotion #TakeAMovieToThePharmacy

— john (Ian) campbell (@JohnJcampbell73) July 22, 2021

Bad Boys For Life Alerts

— Toni (@ToniToni2021) July 22, 2021

Rx Men

— Acidic Blonde️ (@Acidic_Blonde) July 22, 2021

Dazed and Confused pic.twitter.com/SYGEmcUQtT

— michael greer (@mgreer423) July 22, 2021


— Gloria Bernstein G-Train (@GloriaBB2) July 22, 2021

The Sound of Mucinex#TakeAMovieToThePharmacy pic.twitter.com/wQkiJZWsKC

— Mina Masters (@mina_masters) July 22, 2021

Rebel Without A Gauze #TakeAMovieToThePharmacy

— Gia ️ (@Joyannah73) July 22, 2021

#TakeAMovieToThePharmacy Pink Floyd's The Walgreen pic.twitter.com/fQFxNkwmc4

— Canadian Fletchy️ (@Darth_Pingu) July 22, 2021

The Third Vaccine#TakeAMovieToThePharmacy

— Daniel Cummings – hiatus (@DanielC55186873) July 23, 2021

To Syringes With Love #TakeAMovieToThePharmacy

— PaulaInTulsaOK (@PaulaInTulsaOK) July 22, 2021

Two Blue Xanax Will Do#TakeAMovieToThePharmacy pic.twitter.com/Nbc9v2Jdz8

— JustJoshDamnit (@njhunt02) July 22, 2021

Xanax at the disco #TakeAMovieToThePharmacy

— BeerMan (@cleaningtowels) July 22, 2021

Fried Walgreen Tomatoes

— Paul Lander (@paul_lander) July 22, 2021

Fear and loathing in Las vicodin…

— JaKe W…………………………………. (@Colbywinters) July 22, 2021

Akeelah and the Plan B #TakeAMovieToThePharmacy

— Amy Bowden (@ogamyb) July 22, 2021

Cough (Drops)

— Toni (@ToniToni2021) July 22, 2021

#3 USA|#8 Canada #TakeAMovieToThePharmacy w/@FreshCoastTags @BadBoxArtMarc @NeverThatRobin2 @tvmoviedan

Play along on @HashtagRoundup

— Hashtag Roundup (@HashtagRoundup) July 22, 2021

Jeremiah Johnson & Johnson

— Frankp (@CogitoErgoWtf) July 23, 2021

The Rite Aid Stuff #TakeAMovieToThePharmacy

— Rimmy️Buffett (@RimmyBuffett) July 22, 2021

The Wolf of Walgreens #TakeAMovieToThePharmacy

— Brian Farrell (@boopityba) July 23, 2021

Glove Story

— Frankp (@CogitoErgoWtf) July 23, 2021

The Viagra Diaries#TakeAMovieToThePharmacy

— Anastasia Beaverhausen (@ImJacksDejaVu) July 22, 2021

Raiders of the Lost Rx

— Frankp (@CogitoErgoWtf) July 22, 2021

The Rite-Aid Stuff#TakeAMovieToThePharmacy

— Cathy (@66Betty) July 22, 2021

Sleeping pills with the enemy

— Sammy is here 520 (@520Sammy) July 22, 2021

“Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be.” – Grandma Moses
Nelson Cruz #DarkPoolAbuse #TakeAMovieToThePharmacy Kavanaugh The NFL #FoxNewsKills #tubbotwtselfieday https://t.co/n87mZSmP91https://t.co/oJStLYljzL https://t.co/C7MzzRWzR4 DeAndre Hopkins Joe Ryan Houc pic.twitter.com/l9O33BvWsz

— NalaTems (@NalaTems) July 23, 2021

The Lidocaine Mutiny

— Frankp (@CogitoErgoWtf) July 22, 2021

We Bought a Zoloft #TakeAMovieToThePharmacy

— TrivWorks (@TrivWorks) July 22, 2021

The Best Little Walgreens in Texas #TakeAMovieToThePharmacy

— I am who I am. (@pcocteau) July 22, 2021

What Allegra Bob?#TakeAMovieToThePharmacy

— Bird Ho (@CapGraybeard) July 22, 2021

#TakeAMovieToThePharmacy Blazing Seroquel pic.twitter.com/VC3QBh50vU

— Peapod Peace and Love (@WendyMichele48) July 23, 2021

#6 USA #TakeAMovieToThePharmacy w/@FreshCoastTags @BadBoxArtMarc @NeverThatRobin2 @tvmoviedan

Play along on @HashtagRoundup

— Hashtag Roundup (@HashtagRoundup) July 22, 2021

Lotions, 11

— Frankp (@CogitoErgoWtf) July 22, 2021

Curly Sudafed #TakeAMovieToThePharmacy pic.twitter.com/HVdkox9rJV

— Mark Rīter (@MarkRiter) July 22, 2021

Hustle and Flonase #TakeAMovieToThePharmacy @tvmoviedan @NeverThatRobin2 @BadBoxArtMarc @HashtagRoundup pic.twitter.com/8XZyC57QpE

— Richie the C (@RtotheTtotheC) July 23, 2021

Enema at the Gates #TakeAMovieToThePharmacy

— john (Ian) campbell (@JohnJcampbell73) July 22, 2021

Guardians of the GlaxoSmithKline, Inc.#TakeAMovieToThePharmacy

— Robinkitty ️‍ (@DemeterDragon) July 22, 2021

