



Fight Club — Brad Pitt and Edward Norton beat the ever loving shit out of each other over Helena Bonham Carter #describeamoviebadly

— Kevin Sullivan (@Ksully5) September 17, 2021

A guy shoots a bunch of people in a tall building and gets a little fucked up in the process.#describeamoviebadly https://t.co/L3oZzBlwJH

— Jordan Hamilton (@BearsFanJordan) September 17, 2021

Some ignorant people who live in a bubble gather to kill themselves except a couple who follow a conspiracy theory and march on Capitol Hill then beat a cop to death with a flagpole. #describeamoviebadly pic.twitter.com/gWStNKZqnc

— corby (@corbyhart) September 17, 2021

Home Alone: terrible parents with 5 kids forget 1 of them because his cousin drank too much Pepsi and peed the bed #DescribeAMovieBadly

— The Papa Bear & Beansy Show (@GabeVenit) September 17, 2021

Mad Max
Rogue blue blood tries to take down Australian Hell’s Angels in sadistic fashion.

— FlamTap2112 (@FTap2112) September 17, 2021

Star Wars: A New Hope

A young man joins anti-fascist group after govt police kill his unarmed aunt and uncle, later helps destroy govt police HQ after a protest against brutality turned violent.#describeamoviebadly

— The Pirate Sloth (@ThePirateSloth) September 17, 2021

Top Gun: a bunch of Navy guys who loves volleyball and lost that loving feeling.#DescribeAMovieBadly

— Jeff Washington (@jaydwashington) September 17, 2021

The Revenant: Leonardo DiCaprio Wanders A Frozen Wasteland In Search Of An Oscar. #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Marisa Nocito (@Marisa_Rosie22) September 17, 2021

Batman: A billionaire has daddy issues #describeamoviebadly

— Matt (@mistermatt1984) September 17, 2021

Fight Club: not supposed to describe it I guess #DescribeAMovieBadly

— nannah (@HannahRosalia) September 17, 2021

Malignant: A movie about sibling rivalry #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Girl Jo (@stark_ravin_mad) September 17, 2021

Saving Private Ryan — Matt Damon gets a whole platoon murdered, is considered a hero #describeamoviebadly

— Kevin Sullivan (@Ksully5) September 17, 2021

Kid realizes his dream of meeting the silver surfer. #Terminator2 #describeamoviebadly

— ChildrenoftheQuarn (@ChildrenoftheQ) September 17, 2021

#DescribeAMovieBadly Boys will do anything to get their father's love. The Godfather

— Thomas H of Detroit (@th77046) September 17, 2021

#describeamoviebadly The movie where the ape fights the big lizard and they tear up the city while two people fall in love.

— Duckybelle (@duckybelle) September 17, 2021

#DescribeAMovieBadly Neil Diamond ruins a concert. The Last Waltz

— Thomas H of Detroit (@th77046) September 17, 2021

Just go with it: Man pretends to be divorced in order to get with a different girl. #DescribeAMovieBadly

— ya motha (@jims_tie) September 17, 2021

Wedding Crashers…two sensitive lawyers seek true love but get their hearts shattered. #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Caroline B. Brown (@cbbrown119) September 17, 2021

Forest Gump: this really smart guy, well not really smart, knows all these famous people, well meets some famous people, marries his high school sweetheart and catches shrimp. #Describeamoviebadly

— Christy (@00Scarlet98) September 17, 2021

Young girl battles her sisters and the rest of her town on the first original season of @BachelorABC #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Tim Sorenson (@timmysorenson) September 17, 2021

Back to the Future: Guy uses a time machine to convince his mom not to have sex with him, but his loser father #DescribeAMovieBadly

— The Papa Bear & Beansy Show (@GabeVenit) September 17, 2021

#DescribeAMovieBadly geriatric high schoolers compromise their principles. Grease

— Thomas H of Detroit (@th77046) September 17, 2021

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty: A man gets to go longboarding in Iceland. #DescribeAMovieBadly

— nannah (@HannahRosalia) September 17, 2021

Forrest Gump- Luckiest bastard in the world, and notorious premature ejaculator, lives his best life. #describeamoviebadly

— Neal Wyborn (@n_wyborn) September 17, 2021

Mandy — a classic depiction of the Pacific Northwest whilst Nicholas Cage loses his shit #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Kevin Sullivan (@Ksully5) September 17, 2021

The Hangover: 4 guys get black out drunk in Vegas. One guy gets lost. Shenanigans abound. #describeamoviebadly

— Leslie Carpenter (@tex_carpy) September 17, 2021



the little mermaid but in reverse with a big muscly man

— SI-FI (@MISTER_SIFI) September 17, 2021

The Graduate: A Young man achieves my adolescence's dream: having sex with a mother and her daughter while Simon and Garfunkel play in the back.#DescribeAMovieBadly

— teven Zhang eagal‍ (@StevenZSeagal) September 17, 2021

Ford v Ferrari : Car manufacturers compete to see who can waste gasoline faster than the other. #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Jim W. (@JimWashok) September 17, 2021

Lord of the Rings: Walking, walking, walking, BIG FIGHT, more walking, more walking, End#describeamoviebadly

— Wolf (@99_DCWOLF) September 17, 2021

Justice League — the beginning of the end for Joss Whedon #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Kevin Sullivan (@Ksully5) September 17, 2021

Miami Connection: Well there’s a band and they fight ninjas and.. I don’t think anything can describe this movie #describeamoviebadly

— Phil Ken Sebben (@SebbenEleven) September 17, 2021

Star Wars: A kid with daddy issues and a robot for a best friend forms a crush on his sister and teams up with a smart ass pilot and a giant gargling monkey to try and bring balance to the universe. In space.#describeamoviebadly

— Jeremy (@jwstevenson1976) September 17, 2021

50 First Dates: Stray cow causes short term memory loss and enhances art and waffle design skills #DescribeAMovieBadly

— SMG (@syl_smg) September 17, 2021

Recommended for the Texas GOP #DescribeAMovieBadly pic.twitter.com/hzdAq1EgYj

— CJ1958 (@CJ1958TRUEBLUE) September 17, 2021

My Girl: A Coming of Age Six Feet Under Meets The Swarm #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Suziebelle (@suziecuez) September 17, 2021

It chapter 2: a group of adults reunite to kill a clown again #describeamoviebadly

— Dylan Cull (@nalydlluc) September 17, 2021

Star Wars: A New Hope – Son destroys father's place of business in an act of youthful rebellion. #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Rob Daly (@rob_daly) September 17, 2021

The Fast and the Furious: It’s Point Break, but with cars! #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Mike Merlocco (@mike_merlocco) September 17, 2021

The plot of any movie in the Fast and Furious franchise: nobody cares. #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Carole Cooper (@coopsmybaby) September 17, 2021

The Grudge — a very pale woman and her pale son cannot stop making a weird noise with their mouth and everyone hates it so much that they die #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Kevin Sullivan (@Ksully5) September 17, 2021

Intense Bachelorette finale #DescribeAMovieBadly pic.twitter.com/8YoyIiJLDS

— Mookie in the Morning (@Mookie94Rock) September 17, 2021

Aladdin: An animated Catfishing. #DescribeAMovieBadly

— T (@moorejtrevor) September 17, 2021

LOTR- Friends run an errand to return a lost ring, battle with gangs, beasts then write a book about it. #describeamoviebadly

— Pat Van Lenten ** (@patvl) September 17, 2021

Former public servant goes on a road trip.

The Mad Max movies.#DescribeAMovieBadly

— Noah Mishler (@noahmish42) September 17, 2021

Thor : An arrogant male model is banished far away from home along with his favorite hammer by his dad and his brother sends a giant flamethrowing robot to kill him. #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Jim W. (@JimWashok) September 17, 2021

Final Destination: people are trying to reach their destination, but it keeps getting ruined by this mean invisible guy #DescribeAMovieBadly

— mikeym1223 (@mikeym1223) September 17, 2021

John Travolta stars as a white dude trying to learn Disco.#DescribeAMovieBadly

— Jeff Washington (@jaydwashington) September 17, 2021

Along Came Polly: Philip Seymour Hoffman describes the word Sharted to Ben Stiller and becomes a popular phrase among the general public #DescribeAMovieBadly

— The Papa Bear & Beansy Show (@GabeVenit) September 17, 2021

