Gone With The Wind, A movie you Wont Give A Dam about.#DescribeAMovieBadly— KimWLemmo (@lemmo_w) February 8, 2020
Gone With The Wind. A movie you Wont Give A Dam about!#DescribeAMovieBadly
— KimWLemmo (@lemmo_w) February 8, 2020
It’s the exact opposite of The Little Mermaid. #DescribeAMovieBadly
— Gabriel Bell (@gabebell12fi) February 8, 2020
@juhatus00 #DNCisCorrupt #DescribeAMovieBadly
— İKİ-ÜÇ \(▽)/ OŽETE (@juhatus00) February 8, 2020
Elvis? You’re back?
Yes I am. #DescribeAMovieBadly— Gabriel Bell (@gabebell12fi) February 8, 2020
A former high school janitor encourages kids to follow their dreams. #DescribeAMovieBadly
— Gabriel Bell (@gabebell12fi) February 8, 2020
A successful Republican businessman is forced by liberal ghosts to share his wealth with underachieving burdens on society.#DescribeAMovieBadly
— Reed Richards (@ProfessorPMP) February 8, 2020
“Hairspray”, the tale of a floppy-haired executive’s desperate search for ever more powerful hair products. #DescribeAMovieBadly.
— Vince Palazzo (@PalazzoVince) February 7, 2020
#describeamoviebadly Twilight Pale girl obsessed with shimmery biter.
— Cynthia Ann McQuitty (@AnnMcquitty) February 7, 2020
The hastag #DescribeAMovieBadly is a #hometheater & #movielover dream hastag! STILL laughing my butt off at the descriptions. Thanks for making my day!#mediaroom #homecinema #homeAV #AV #speakers #audio #bluraycollector #blurayjunkie #filmTwitter #cinema #theater #movenight
— AReelCinemaAtHome (@AReelCinemaHome) February 7, 2020
Creepy Germain doctor has a scat fetish— DIE! (@GiggleRecruiter) February 7, 2020
Kidnapping your boss can save the company— DIE! (@GiggleRecruiter) February 7, 2020
@FallonTonight The Marine – IT’S JOHN CENAAAAA!!! #DescribeAMovieBadly #FallonTonight
— Reesa (@1reesas) February 7, 2020
Forrest Gump – Former ping pong star runs shrimping empire #DescribeAMovieBadly
— Steven Lyles (@TheStevenLyles) February 7, 2020
— Troy fromin (@Deliboy1832) February 7, 2020
#DescribeAMovieBadly answer…
— Sky Nero (@skynero19) February 7, 2020
Hashtags: #DescribeAMovieBadly
— iCarlotta7 (@iCarlotta) February 7, 2020
Hashtags: #DescribeAMovieBadly
— Smart Phone Junkie (@smartfonejunkie) February 7, 2020
Hashtags: #DescribeAMovieBadly
— AVN News Feed (@avnblogfeed) February 7, 2020
Hashtags: #DescribeAMovieBadly [VIDEO] #comedy
— lokol Comedy (@lokolComedy) February 7, 2020
Hashtags: #DescribeAMovieBadly
— Charles Myrick -CEO (@medicinehelp) February 7, 2020
Hashtags: #DescribeAMovieBadly
— HIDE ღღ・・๑official (@Italiajin21) February 7, 2020
Hashtags: #DescribeAMovieBadly
— A Feel Appeal (@afeelappeal) February 7, 2020
Bait levels zero. Also ignoring Women Wonder (unironiclly I may add) The Dark Knight trilogy and the 70s superman but hey whatever Im for the females is always gonna be praise as the first for everything #whatdoiknow #DC #DescribeAMovieBadly #HarleyQuinn
— 23 Savage (@DelgadoElih) February 7, 2020
#DescribeAMovieBadly. My wife said “Worst case of cabin fever!—-THE SHINING”
— Beware of Attack Democrat (@liberalsteveros) February 7, 2020
Teenager nearly dies several times while taking two types of Rock to a far away island to appease a ghost#DescribeAMovieBadly
— DarkLittleDoll97 (@dark_littledoll) February 7, 2020
Audio Fight #DreamChasers #DescribeAMovieBadly
— MeyorNigeria (@Herbmer) February 7, 2020
#DescribeAMovieBadly: #OnceUponATimeInHollywood, A stuntman saves leading man from a clan of Charles Manson- hippies with his dog & dog food!
— Steve Colis (@scolis) February 7, 2020
#DescribeAMovieBadly – Caddyshack – the Dalai Lama offers Carl hope once he reaches his death bed️
— Jan V (@teamv5) February 7, 2020
Me …mylife #DescribeAMovieBadly
— brinski420 (@RumseyBrynn) February 7, 2020
Up- old man trips on acid and starts talking to dogs while kidnapping a kid using balloons. #DescribeAMovieBadly
— Tina Mary Nicole (@TinaYeast0618) February 7, 2020
Two ghosts talking. The Sixth Sense. #DescribeAMovieBadly
— Karla Gunn (@KarlaGunn) February 7, 2020
Unstoppable. A movie about a train doing what trains do but without someone pulling the horn every few minutes. #DescribeAMovieBadly
— Timothy E Jiles (@TimothyEJiles1) February 7, 2020
Strangers decide to go to a house and face Boddy’s shame. – Clue (1985)#DescribeAMovieBadly
— Jaqueline (@abaliquo) February 7, 2020
“Single mom thinks the butler did something wrong.” – The Others #DescribeAMovieBadly
— Jaqueline (@abaliquo) February 7, 2020
Raiders of the Lost Ark – Cranky archaeologist fails to save Nazis from melting #DescribeAMovieBadly
— Matt (@HazMatt1234567) February 7, 2020
Austen Powers- man refuses to shave his chest #DescribeAMovieBadly
— Caitlin Bellamy (@caitbellams) February 7, 2020
@jimmyfallon Thor- man loves his hammer and can’t travel without it #DescribeAMovieBadly
— Caitlin Bellamy (@caitbellams) February 7, 2020
A Christmas Story: Disturbed boy has uncontrollable breaks from reality, but has no hope of help from a father distracted by his leg and furnace fetishes. #DescribeAMovieBadly
— Argus Constant *** Rebuild our Democracy! (@argus_constant) February 6, 2020
Cast Away – Man gets a new beach bod #DescribeAMovieBadly
— Regular blonde (@Raegan25797742) February 6, 2020
#DescribeAMovieBadly A murder occurs. Four friends meet up and a second murder occurs. Also, flying monkeys. (Wizard of Oz)
— Kathy White (@OnPiano) February 6, 2020
Surround sound not needed – A Quiet Place#DescribeAMovieBadly
— Evelyn Arroyave (@MrsArroyave) February 6, 2020
Pretty Woman: A tycoon turns pretty poor prostitute into a rich fine princess……. #DescribeAMovieBadly
— Claudio Claudio (@Joker187211) February 6, 2020
“The Irishman” – misleading title – actually a long movie about Italians #DescribeAMovieBadly
— Susan (@sue_cap) February 6, 2020
The Grinch- a dude hangs out on a hill with his dog eating trash and never pays taxes #DescribeAMovieBadly
— Serena (@serenababeena) February 6, 2020
The Incredibles: a mom, dad and their three kids play an intense game of dress-up #DescribeAMovieBadly
— Serena (@serenababeena) February 6, 2020
Taxi- Oprah and Ryan Seacrest drive around New York City singing #DescribeAMovieBadly
— Serena (@serenababeena) February 6, 2020
#DescribeAMovieBadly Titanic: A girl who did not want to share the raft. #LeonardoDiCaprio #BradPitt #Iwouldhavesharedtheraft
— Claudia Urueta (@ClaudiaUrueta2) February 6, 2020
Joker- a guy that laughs too much becomes a hero after killing some people #DescribeAMovieBadly
— Serena (@serenababeena) February 6, 2020
West Side Story- good looking people with funny accents dance and sing a lot #DescribeAMovieBadly
— Serena (@serenababeena) February 6, 2020