


“LIFE” – Gives you a severe disability that is murdering you slowly but gifts you with f*cked up humor to create delightfully funny apparel designs #DescribeAMovieBadly pic.twitter.com/LcZZ7O7BUp

— Anthony Rush (@60SecondsWiser) February 4, 2020

Fight club: A violent and an anti-corporate organization run by an insomniac. #DescribeAMovieBadly
Wait…doesn’t this remind us of someone? @realDonaldTrump https://t.co/eWtcnAgisz

— Masala Dosa FC (@JoeruKunnn) February 4, 2020

#DescribeAMovieBadly The Hobbit: A recollection of an old man’s journey with a ring

— Abigael (@Gaelgauge) February 4, 2020

Gang of high schoolers sing to try and cope with the fact that they’ve been seniors for 17 years, but also managed to build a flying car for the douchebag who changed his ways for a girl who started chain smoking. Grease. #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Amber S. (@DudeitsAmber) February 4, 2020

This movie is about an abuse victim with a big appetite….literally #DescribeAMovieBadly pic.twitter.com/QeQ5jZEXPY

— Britt Loves Quincy ️ (@britlovesquincy) February 4, 2020

Pacific Rim–Illegal immigrant dinosaurs run afoul of DHS. Also, there’s bo staff fighting. #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Keith Williams (@bonsai) February 4, 2020

A world made of water. Waterworld.#DescribeAMovieBadly

— Dan Auns (@danauns27) February 4, 2020

A high school student fails in his attempt to sexually assault his mother #DescribeAMovieBadly pic.twitter.com/io3f7yIWkN

— Count Orlok (@DeaditeDerek) February 4, 2020

TRON: A disgruntled programmer (Jeff Bridges) hacks his former employer and installs a no-kernel OS all in an elaborate scheme to frame the boss. Also features deadly Frisbees and cool motorcycles and tanks and stuff.#DescribeAMovieBadly

— W6KSR – Ed Little (@W6KSR) February 4, 2020

Tom Hanks sits on a stoop this time around #DescribeAMovieBadly #ABeautifulDayInTheNeighborhood

— Jonathan iO (@J_Garcia_iO) February 4, 2020

Everyone has bare feet but no one knows why – every Quentino Tarantino film #describeamoviebadly

— Rachel Syens (@rachsyens) February 4, 2020

A loser dances to win votes for his friend to become class president. #DescribeAMovieBadly pic.twitter.com/106FyRShIj

— V R (@TimeyWimeyRiver) February 4, 2020

Home Alone 2- Young boy meets an Oompa Loompa named Donald #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Rachel Ruczynski (@rachelrx18) February 4, 2020

Guy with a nasty skin condition gets bullied by a doctor, rich kid, boy scout and demigod after the death of his daughter. #Describeamoviebadly #AvengersEndgame

— Samuel Squaire (@ssquaire) February 4, 2020

An 11-year-old boy gets taken by a giant, hairy, old man to his world, where even older men and women teach him how to use his wand.#DescribeAMovieBadly

— Mukke97VfL (@Mukke1807) February 4, 2020

Maleficent: the story of a bridge to be struggling with her overprotective mother and gossiping mother in low #DescribeAMovieBadly

— yazou (@yazoumi23) February 4, 2020

Roadhouse: Martial art dancer rips mullet guy’s throat out, saves the bar, the town, and in the end….his soul. #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Floridian Biden Voter (@amandabama80) February 4, 2020

David Bowie steals a baby and fondles his ball while wearing inappropriate pants. Labyrinth #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Jake K (@RightQuickOnce) February 4, 2020

A suicidal man hallucinates horrible things happening to everyone in town. – It’s A Wonderful Life #DescribeAMovieBadly

— wendyinneverland (@wendyinneverla6) February 4, 2020

Friday is about niggas that sit on a porch in the hood and then I forgot the rest #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Britt Loves Quincy ️ (@britlovesquincy) February 4, 2020

there’s no breakfast, or a club, just a group of horny teenagers and a school principles who really gets off torturing them -The Breakfast Club #DescribeAMovieBadly

— mary irene (@maryylouu) February 4, 2020

A man and his family become caretakers for a beautiful hotel in Colorado. – The Shining. #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Jeffery Bauman (@JefferyBauman) February 4, 2020

Old space wizard procreates in space before movie #RiseofSkywalker #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Jonathan iO (@J_Garcia_iO) February 4, 2020

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone- Young boy is abducted by giant to go to magic school where he almost dies. #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Racliz Clarus (Debut 07.2?) (@raclizclarus) February 4, 2020

Angel has fallen.
-Rambo-light with drones.

Rambo (A.K.A. Mike Banning) gets done in by a friend, then does in the friend after saving the President. Rambo gets an offer for a top government security job, (beating his prior short-term contract roles).

— S. (@PolicyBrief) February 4, 2020

Harry Potter- A normal kid finds out he can do magic stuuf with a fancy stick after a giant stranger with a beard approaches him and declares that he’s magical. #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Abby Wisniewski (@AbbyWisniewski1) February 4, 2020

Ford Vs. Ferrari Screeech. Booom. Ford Wins.#DescribeAMovieBadly

— allnet (@whoopiepie10) February 4, 2020

cabin fever goes extreme – the Shining#DescribeAMovieBadly

— Anastasia Beaverhausen (@ImJacksDejaVu) February 4, 2020

Man tries to rescue girl from Stockholm syndrome #DescribeAMovieBadly pic.twitter.com/lhT9on9Mmw

— THAT Toddler Mom (@that_toddler) February 4, 2020

This is Spinal Tap
#DescribeAMovieBadly pic.twitter.com/xftl2FqPSm

— Daran the Red ️ (@daranthered) February 4, 2020

Jojo Rabbit: the story of a German boy and his bunny, who sports a dictatorish mustache #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Donovan Roche (@donovanroche) February 4, 2020

Boy spends 7 years being a third wheel.

— William Edmondson (@62ed) February 4, 2020

From the junkyard to the arena, this girl might be a champion #AlitaBattleAngel#DescribeAMovieBadly

— Flyingmatthew (@Flyingmatthew76) February 4, 2020

Same as the 8 before it. #Fast9 #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Eddie R. Muñoz, Señor (@EdRMunoz1) February 4, 2020

#DescribeAMovieBadly… The Fast and the Furious- A perfectly original idea in its first incarnation…Point Break

— Robyn murray (@rmurr1975_robyn) February 4, 2020

Drug dealer tries to destroy young businessman #DescribeAMovieBadly pic.twitter.com/XjHDiFXz5v

— Σουρπουίτσα (@Titinoulahood5) February 4, 2020

#DescribeAmovieBadly #Cinderella It’s a movie about a girl with the wrong shoe size who marries a man with the right fortune.

— AntnY (@AnthonyWVille) February 4, 2020

#DescribeAMovieBadly Ghost rider- a biker’s wet dream pic.twitter.com/hQEVsQE8eL

— Don (@MML4014) February 4, 2020

Bird Box-Wanderlust mother decides to take children on adventurous hike while pretending to be blind. #describeamoviebadly

— J Axton (@jax_ton) February 4, 2020

Twin Peaks. Pamela Anderson’s best flick yet!!! #DescribeAMovieBadly

— @mtolzy (@mtolzy) February 4, 2020

Halloween: Man that wears a William Shatner mask that looks for his sister one time a year. #DescribeAMovieBadly @WilliamShatner

— Brandon W. S. (@BrandonStrabley) February 4, 2020

Let’s spend all evening looking for liquid detergent to go with our beer #DescribeAMovieBadly pic.twitter.com/O5Y9zCMZUR

— Sunofah (@Sunofah1) February 4, 2020

A wellness check goes horribly wrong #DescribeAMovieBadly #Aliens #EllenRipley #SigourneyWeaver

— Derek Von Hawkman (@RogueDerek) February 4, 2020

An inconvenient truth about a global climate disaster that never happened.#DescribeAMovieBadly

— Kansas (@HighKansas) February 4, 2020

A barefoot kid takes 9 hours to destroy his favorite jewelry #DescribeAMovieBadly pic.twitter.com/zIGW3pikgV

— CHWatsonAuthor (@CHWatsonAuthor) February 4, 2020

Cats- Taylor Swift expressing her love for Meredith Grey and Olivia Benson

— Rachel Ruczynski (@rachelrx18) February 4, 2020

The Sandlot- A bunch of kids play baseball while running away from Hercules #DescribeAMovieBadly pic.twitter.com/ZK9OkQ8XPe

— Grant Ordoyne (@TheGrantOShow) February 4, 2020

#DescribeAMovieBadly Maleficent 2: Mistress of Evil: angry bird mom doesn’t want chick to leave the nest, has trouble with in-laws

— Hannah (@iate7pancakes) February 4, 2020

A man takes his family on a summer vacation then becomes a New York City detective #DescribeAMovieBadly #JerryOrbach #DirtyDancing

— Amy Warren (@amywawa) February 4, 2020

