


#DescribeAMovieBadly Mentally ill Scandinavian teenager inadvertently almost sets off the Apocalypse in an effort to get some alone time.

— High Priestess Anakerie (@Crampedsultana) February 3, 2020

Young woman with nice hat collection tries to make it in the gig economy, deals with mansplaining, and gets told by an older relative that she’ll never be able to afford a house.

(Apparently #DescribeAMovieBadly is the new #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly ) pic.twitter.com/HKX2wLIkQ9

— Keith Fraser (@otakukeith) February 3, 2020

Not serene.

#DescribeAMovieBadly pic.twitter.com/88eonh4CJD

— Kim- GOP Left Us (@kim89Da) February 3, 2020

Incestuous couple murder their father #DescribeAMovieBadly pic.twitter.com/nIctCLaYOl

— James Moriarty (@Editor_James) February 3, 2020

#DescribeAMovieBadly A fat drunk almost gets himself and his family killed for polluting a lake.

— Max McFireBro, Overlord of the Bruh (@RPGfan2017) February 3, 2020

#describeamoviebadly from my 8 year old nephew describing The Karate Kid to my 9 near old niece. Boys are mean to this kid, at the end, the boys get kicked in the face.

— Jen Venne (@Juice91272) February 3, 2020

Scarface: Immigrant comes to America and becomes top in his field. Has to deal with threats to his position and hostile takeovers. #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Kristjanna Whitney (@Vampire_Grrl) February 3, 2020

Avengers Infinity War – a gang of superheroes try to stop a purple man from snapping his fingers. #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Rafael (@Le_Trivia_Nerd) February 3, 2020

Star Wars — anti-government terrorists blow up large orbiting space station, killing thousands of innocent people. #describeamoviebadly

— Patrick D. White (@whitepatrick) February 3, 2020

Wizard of Oz: Undocumented immigrant becomes serial killer #describeamoviebadly

— dewey roth (@deweyroth) February 3, 2020

Fight Club – A man in an abusive relationship, with himself and soap.#DescribeAMovieBadly

— Parody (@TerfinUSAParody) February 3, 2020

Shakespeare in Love – Best Picture of the Year – Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Emil Frye (@emil_frye) February 3, 2020

Je suis divertie. #DescribeAMovieBadly https://t.co/onrigCQM3I

— Valérie Boisclair (@v_boisclair) February 3, 2020

Psycho: bloke cleans up after mother makes a mess#describeamoviebadly

— Amjad Khan (@SmartCircleComm) February 3, 2020


A big boat has a little whoopsie — Titanic pic.twitter.com/t2m5eGNPsd

— RMc23 (@ItsMeRMc23) February 3, 2020

Enders Game: kids from the future get tricked into killing an innocent alien race. #describeamoviebadly

— kye jouwstra (@kyejouw) February 3, 2020

Meet the Parents Part 2 pic.twitter.com/iceXqaeKvw

— ReBel 27 (@RekLoren) February 3, 2020

Archeologist goes against all the tenants he teaches and almost gets his father killed. #describeamoviebadly

— Chuck U. Farlay (@CuFarlay) February 3, 2020

Grifter goes good. Trombones! #DescribeAMovieBadly pic.twitter.com/iOQ8rO4m1N

— leewah (@leewah) February 3, 2020

A man has trouble with a piece of jewelry, takes 3 friends on a journey to get rid of it, and finds five more friends. #describeamoviebadly

— Erika L. Durham (@Renplanet) February 3, 2020

Un extraterrestre azul cae en una profunda depresión luego de habera asesinado a su enemigo. Hay una chica que le gusta y la engaña para quedarse con ella y por eso la termina perdiendo igual que a su mejor amigo. Todo ese tiempo su enemigo fingió su muerte #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Yo (@EugniadelaBarra) February 3, 2020

A White Woman Got High and reached space/Captain Marvel #describeamoviebadly

— Jose C Velez (@josecvelez2003) February 3, 2020

#DescribeAMovieBadly an old man who’s wife died lures a young boy into his house and roofies him and uses him for pleasure, hence the floating house bc it’s all just a big drug trip (Up)

— “Pink Friday 2” OUT 11/17‼️‼️‼️ (@BARBlESBUSSY) February 3, 2020

Beauty and the Beast – Ugly dude gets babe to fall for him, but can’t collect on bet cuz nobody recognizes him #DescribeAMovieBadly

— like50squirrels (@AlKupchella) February 3, 2020

Avengers endgame: make plans. Behead Thanos. Hulk/banner combine Ant man & his disco van.Go get past stones. Hulk Snap.Everyone returns .Except Natasha,they did her dirty. Battle scene.Aww Spider-Man. Tony dies. Cap has a life. Falcon steals his identity #describeamoviebadly

— just another account (@3_call_me_mama) February 3, 2020

Fast and Furios saga: An Avengers style motorised A Team drifting “Deja Vu” #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Sebitax Ruiz (@SebitaxRuiz) February 3, 2020

Two superhuman buddies beat up an orphan after turning all his friends against him. – Captain America: Civil War#DescribeAMovieBadly

— Audrey Andrews (@AuthorOfNone) February 3, 2020

A public service announcement highlighting the dangers of chest pain symptoms – Alien. #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Michael Hoehn (@eatnrun1) February 3, 2020

#DescribeAMovieBadly A pothead and his dealer are on the run from drug dealers and dirty cops while being higher than a kite in outer space.

— Max McFireBro, Overlord of the Bruh (@RPGfan2017) February 3, 2020

RED- Bruce Willis stalks a phone operator while John Malkovich tries to explain a weird conspiracy theory about Guatemala all while being hunted down by the CIA agent who repeatedly calls Willis, Mirren, Freeman and Malkovich very old. #describeamoviebadly

— Dead on the inside but sexy on the outside (@Aysia32083720) February 3, 2020

The movie where Joaquin forgot to give this speech. #describeamoviebadlyhttps://t.co/IgnUUS4zSH

— Antoinette (@starshine_3) February 3, 2020

Mulholland Drive: It’s about……oh you work it out.#describeamoviebadly

— Amjad Khan (@SmartCircleComm) February 3, 2020

A man who wants badly to talk but not to be corrupted #DescribeAMovieBadly

— DarkEyesBoogie (@DarkEyesBoogie) February 3, 2020

Apollo 13 – If God wanted NASA to go to the moon, she wouldn’t have made it so dang hard #DescribeAMovieBadly

— like50squirrels (@AlKupchella) February 3, 2020

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre – Good lesson in not picking up hitchhikers or trespassing on property. #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Lee Maddox, Jr. (a voice taken over by thyroid) (@JrPnoplayer2) February 3, 2020

Um lugar silencioso: Jogo da vaca amarela, mas quem falar primeiro morre #DescribeAMovieBadly

— azeite (@carolzcaldas) February 3, 2020

#DescribeAMovieBadly Maybe about a car? I don’t know, man

— Derril Lucci (@thederril) February 3, 2020

jaws. mental serial killer fish kills loads of people until some other people seek revenge and blow it up. pic.twitter.com/R6w0xI5sx2

— theboyfromspace. (@nowhereman111) February 3, 2020

Shawshank Redemption – Man buys a boat. #DescribeAMovieBadly

— c’est la vie (@JeniferDare) February 3, 2020

Writer is terrorized by psychotic wife and schizophrenic son after being snowed in with them at empty hotel. #DescribeAMovieBadly The Shining.

— ICU81 (@ICU811) February 3, 2020

Joker: Man is cursed to pull the same card from the deck for all of eternity #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Bobby (@Bison_4life) February 3, 2020

Weekend at Bernie’s – Two bros go to the Hamptons to practice their ventriloquist act. #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Dave (@illinibrowndog) February 3, 2020

It’s about Orange Tang. Oh & Cash
Teri Hatcher is extremely hot in it.#DescribeAMovieBadly

— Parody (@TerfinUSAParody) February 3, 2020

#describeamoviebadly 4 men spend a long time in a tightly confined space with a lot of banging (Fury)

— Connor Slack (@Slackie_CJ) February 3, 2020

The Shawshank redemption.
Man steals the wardens shiny shoes and uses his love of rocks to escape down a tunnel of excremental waste just in time to meet his friend at the beach.#DescribeAMovieBadly

— Niall (@flakeman7) February 3, 2020

Titanic – Engaged woman screws homeless man on a cruise ship. #DescribeAMovieBadly

— Zak (@zakclapham) February 3, 2020

Now, these two are sibilings. Twins, actually. Boy and girl. One has a foster dad, an ambassador. The other is a ranch hand of some sort, living with relatives. Relatively, the girl’s doing better. But war happens. She’s asked to carry a message to an old guy

— M U R A T (@MURATMIHCIOGLU) February 3, 2020

The Social Network: a naive young loser learns how to destroy truth and democracy. #describeamoviebadly

— Amjad Khan (@SmartCircleComm) February 3, 2020

