Forrest Gump – The story of the world’s biggest photobomber. #DescribeAMovieBadly
— Ido Samuel (@SamuelidodoIdo) February 3, 2020
Overboard = Everybody gets drunk and they jump off boats. #describeamoviebadly
— Big Boy (@catsbestie) February 3, 2020
#DescribeAMovieBadly Spaceship answers distress call, guy looks at an egg, it goes bad, a cat hisses, chest birth explosion, ppl die, woman sends thing outta airlock, takes a long nap. Alien
— K.Erickson (@kriserickson204) February 3, 2020
#DescribeAMovieBadly Babe. Dozens of talking animals are too stupid to gang up on two humans who eat them but can figure out how to herd sheep
— JBM (@JMOinKY) February 3, 2020
Home office computer displays red screen of death.— Stephen (@To_The_Ranch) February 3, 2020
Leon (The Professional)- Hitman ends up dying because he let an orphaned girl go get milk by herself. #describeamoviebadly
— TwistedGlazedDonut (@PuzzleGeek48) February 3, 2020
10 things I hate about you: Two sisters with an overprotective father fall in love with the same wrong boy at different times and then with the right boys in the end despite their best efforts not to. #describeamoviebadly
— Dr. Melinda Fierro (@melindafierro) February 3, 2020
#describeamoviebadly One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest – Hilarity ensues while training for a kite flying contest.
— Jules (@ibmjas) February 3, 2020
ayeon #DescribeAMovieBadly
— isa ︎ (@ayeonsbff) February 3, 2020
Toy Story- the PG version of every horror movie involving a doll #DescribeAMovieBadly
— A (@a_dot_bla) February 3, 2020
Forrest Gump: Local idiot avoids AIDS. #DescribeAMovieBadly
— CharDeeMacDennis (@CharDeeMacDen12) February 3, 2020
#DescribeAMovieBadly titanic – two people fall in love on ship, the ship sinks, Jack drowns and rose lives on and ages without him.
— Andrew weaver (@Andrew_weaver30) February 3, 2020
Man at bus stop, scares away locals with his childhood stories #DescribeAMovieBadly #ForrestGump
— PrestonRay (@_tiopunk) February 3, 2020
The prequel of the corona virus- Quarintine #DescribeAMovieBadly
— Dominique Jones (@DYouHigh) February 3, 2020
If you like #DescribeAMovieBadly, you’ll love SCHMOVIE: The Hilarious Game of Made-Up Movies!!! #movies #film #comedy
— Galactic Sneeze (@GalacticSneeze) February 3, 2020
The Big Lebowski: A bowling team advances through league play. #DescribeAMovieBadly
— Chris Andreadis (@the_real_andro) February 3, 2020
Jurassic World – @jimmyfallon welcomes people to their death #DescribeAMovieBadly
— Stephen (@ArchdukeSoap) February 3, 2020
A young mermaid disobeys her father, putting the entire ocean in jeopardy all for a little “tail” #describeamoviebadly #TheLittleMermaid
— LydiaxMarie (@amateurpanicker) February 3, 2020
Militant Anti-vaxxers from Mars try to invade Earth…
(War of the Worlds)— Eating Crow Comics (@eatingcrowcomic) February 3, 2020
Two drug driven, posing, idiots go to college. One falls in love with a drug lords daughter, the other is taught to be humble. #describeamoviebadly
— (@d_louis3) February 3, 2020
Star Wars – Bored and horny teenager teams up with an old hippie, a trucker, and his unwashed roommate to rescue a rich girl from her absentee father while destroying government property.#DescribeAMovieBadly
— Spider-Bob is also on Bluesky (@spiderbob007) February 3, 2020
It’s basically the story of every woman who has ever lived. (Crazy!)
~ Birds of Prey ~#DescribeAMovieBadly
— The Evverymann ️ (@TheEvverymann) February 3, 2020
#describeamoviebadly A bunch of nerds obsess over the latest VR software – The Matrix, Inception
— Jeremy (@jayrayme_) February 3, 2020
A woman struggles with self-image issues to the detriment of the world until she finally feels pretty. #CaptainMarvel
— RunTheTroll (Let’s Go Brandon!) (@trolmoar) February 3, 2020
#DescribeAMovieBadly Cats: they made it into a movie?
— Just Chill️ (@cookiechillout) February 3, 2020
#DescribeAMovieBadly Sequel Trilogy of Starwars #reylo #StarWarsriseofskywalker #StarWars
— KingLeoCosplay (@KingLeoCosplay) February 3, 2020
Man dressed as bat fights killer clown. #DescribeAMovieBadly
— Steven Pryor, #TeamGhost (@Stevenprr2Pryor) February 3, 2020
#describeamoviebadly the manson murders, but gay and the murders never happened
Once Upon a Hollywood
— tired (@Wholesomereader) February 3, 2020
In a horrific take on the classic play, something resembling felines take over the night with their horny shenanigans #describeamoviebadly #cats
— Meadow_Wanderer (@SAMuelGYETANG) February 3, 2020
Fast and the Furious: a new kind of Driver’s Ed video. #describeamoviebadly
— Reagan Schroer (@schroer_reagan) February 3, 2020
Death Becomes Her 1992:
Bruce Willis spray paints Meryl Streeps ass.— Leonie Henckell M.Arch. (@LeonieJH) February 3, 2020
A bunch of guys get together to stop a purple alien from snapping his fingers.
— VEGA MAN (@THEVEGAMAN_) February 3, 2020
I know the Hamilton movie hasn’t been released yet, but to celebrate it’s conformation,
Hamilton- the official bootleg #DescribeAMovieBadly— A (@a_dot_bla) February 3, 2020
“The Social Network”- the place you go to find out what conspiracies your friends will believe, and where you give Russians your personal information. Also known as Facecrook. #DescribeAMovieBadly
— Rachel Favori Creative (@RachelFavori) February 3, 2020
Little boy accidentally gets high with his grandfather for the first time #DescribeAMovieBadly
— Dominique Jones (@DYouHigh) February 3, 2020
#describeamoviebadly A washed up cop has to save the city of New York just to get up enough courage to call his wife. DieHard2
— Give Me Liberty or Give me Death (@CathyRubey) February 3, 2020
@jimmyfallon Spider-Man 3 – Great green gobs of greasy grimy Topher guts. #DescribeAMovieBadly
— Motown Jeffrey Winslow (@jeffreywinslow) February 3, 2020
#DescribeAMovieBadly yo Jimmy; Knives Out. It’s about the election in November.
— Just Chill️ (@cookiechillout) February 3, 2020
Boy overcomes disability, overdoes it, then buys a boat. #DescribeAMovieBadly
— UnsportsmanlikeCondor (@Unsportsmanli16) February 3, 2020
Big lizards eating people. -Jurassic Park #DescribeAMovieBadly
— Lizard (@LizBanaszek1) February 3, 2020
Forrest Gump – Strangers annoys people in a park and offers them candy#describeamoviebadly
— denniixx (@DeWeigel) February 3, 2020
Rocky: A dude that has a shitty job and a decent side-gig. #DescribeAMovieBadly
— RBNY SF49er (@luisfloresny) February 3, 2020
fixer upper with balloons (up) #DescribeAMovieBadly
— mads (@madijoy21) February 3, 2020
Lonely guy who really likes laughing finds his true calling!#describeamoviebadly
— End All Oligarchs (@OffgridinCO) February 3, 2020
Tombstone-Val Kilmer saying “I’m your huckleberry”. Also, some basis in real events
— Raevlyn Rhue (@raevlyn_rhue) February 3, 2020
Before Sunrise – After 25 years , the train has not reached its destination yet. The lovers? No longer in the same seat! #DescribeAMovieBadly
— Kaymat (@Kaymat19) February 3, 2020
Kill Bill Volume 1- Chick kills almost everyone but Bill. #DescribeAMovieBadly
— hope.y. (@sickelshopey) February 3, 2020
IT – was a clown who wanted to be a joker #describeamoviebadly
— nitro (@nitro_phd) February 3, 2020
Tommy: Deaf, dumb & blind kid sees his reflection, becomes a pinball wizard, then gets pushed through a mirror & starts a holiday camp #DescribeAMovieBadly
— Twins McC (@Twins_McC) February 3, 2020
Groundhog Day: Bill Murray has the most productive day ever. #DescribeAMovieBadly
— Anthony Bliss (@agbliss) February 3, 2020