
#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly 2014



#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly Girl gets lost after a storm, meets three guys in the woods, meets an old faker, flies home in a balloon.

— Rachel Lovinger (@rlovinger) September 7, 2014

Looooove! *cough, cough, cough* — Moulin Rouge #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Mrs. Anderson (@libertychick80) September 7, 2014

Pennsylvania Pugilist takes date to a zoo because he thinks she may be developmentally delayed. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— JUdice_Priest (@JUdice_Priest) September 7, 2014

One man begins a mother-daughter love triangle after learning plastics are the future. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly pic.twitter.com/GXTrUU4uVl

— Charlie Berens (@CharlieBerens) September 7, 2014

Two aging hit men kill a bunch of dudes, overdose their boss' wife while he is getting raped in a basement somewhere #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— AJ 'Sweet Pea' DiCosimo (@AJDiCosimo) September 7, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly Lindsay Lohan breaks plastic crown into pieces to make up for "not" pushing blonde girl into a bus.

— Svetlana Del Rey (@tsar_bucks) September 7, 2014

Kind of like "Romeo and Juliet," but Natalie Wood is Puerto Rican. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Brian Donovan (@GoldDiggerBook) September 7, 2014

“@BennyKubelsky: I've got nothing. No one has ever seen this movie. Ever. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly #waterworld@benbenabe #worstmoveever

— (((My Jewniverse))) (@MyJewniverse) September 7, 2014

A red stapler goes missing. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Karen Willenbrecht (@kdbrecht) September 7, 2014

Shane needs to return#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— The Hedge Whisperer (@sellis1994) September 7, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly Mel Gibson learns Latin, wears blue paint, and moons an army.

— eat (the) rich or fry trying (@ncknvme) September 7, 2014

A Michael Bay film #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Gotham_Knowledge (@GothamKnowledge) September 7, 2014

Proper veterinary care? What's that? #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly pic.twitter.com/MTBLjyArrK

— Doug Russell (@DougRussell) September 7, 2014

A plane, a train, a car and two pillows that aren't pillows. #explainafilmplotbadly

— Nothing but Blue Skies (@FunMugford) September 7, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly A man, a plan, a canal

— bdϘYI@ (@IYQbd) September 7, 2014

Giant Lizard cock blocks giants monsters. (Godzilla 2014) #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Wolf of Mo-Town 狼先輩 (@b_butla) September 7, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly is fucken hilarious

— sims (@nohoesguapo96) September 7, 2014

A man & a women have nothing in common, until they do, then they fall in love. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Kyle (@Kyledriver_) September 7, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly There is no spoon #TheMatrix

— Voima Oy (@voimaoy) September 7, 2014

Nicholas Cage struggles to remember which film he is in this time. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— zacharias (@_a_h_ri__s) September 7, 2014

John Carter plays naval board game against sunglass-wearing aliens to avenge his brother, Lt Cmdr Eric Northman #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Marc Barrios (@therealmbarrios) September 7, 2014

Dark figure wages war with his incestuous children#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— The Hedge Whisperer (@sellis1994) September 7, 2014

It's just like Jaws 1, but it happens again #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Mr. Jackpots (@changingmyplea) September 7, 2014

@Notnamelite #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly scientist's plan to revitalise life goes astray, young girl learns the downside of picking flowers ;}

— preznit givmeturkee (@preznit) September 7, 2014

CRM firm causes scandal by not detecting historic cemetery before construction of California housing development #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— ahtzib (@ahtzib) September 7, 2014

An FBI agent meets a seasoned cannibal. There are no sheep and no butterflies. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Jane Abbott (@JaneKAbbott) September 7, 2014

This guy, like, REALLY hates this whale. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Andrew Ihla (@AndrewIhla) September 7, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly there is no spoon?

— Fire Walk With Jams (@THE_James_Champ) September 7, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly Farm girl gets nice shoes and spends the day showing them off to the local homeless people #WizardOfOz

— Big Gaymo (@Nikkipher) September 7, 2014

Everyone actually loves. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Liz del Carmen (@LizMartinezG) September 7, 2014

Supposedly smart cop decides to go barefoot @ exact moment bad guys shoot glass everywhere #explainafilmplotbadly

— Nothing but Blue Skies (@FunMugford) September 7, 2014

A college professor is hired by U.S. government to fight Nazi Germany. The only weapon they give him is a whip. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Clay Renfroe (@ClayRenfroe) September 7, 2014

An Italian man and his son learn the importance of a strong chain and padlock. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Crutnacker (@Crutnacker) September 7, 2014

Sorry for clogging up my twitter feed with #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly but it was the most fun I've had on Twitter.
Stopping now

— Daniel O'Neail (@Dan_ONeail) September 7, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly Teenagers with cancer obsess over strange Austrian author until they die.

— Svetlana Del Rey (@tsar_bucks) September 7, 2014

A rag-tag team comes together to understand the paranormal because a woman has strange things in her fridge #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Mr. Jackpots (@changingmyplea) September 7, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly Daniel Day Lewis drinks a pastor's milkshake.

— The Molotov Cocktail (@MolotovLitZine) September 7, 2014

Before Sunrise: two young people get a really good workout #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Spencer Lucas (@SpencetheLence) September 7, 2014

1960s blk domestics speak out against racism (not on their own) in MS &nothing bad happens bcuz wht woman is involved #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Laurie Bertram Roberts-Abortion Pills Are Safe (@smartstatistic) September 7, 2014

It was nothing like the book. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— TextMonk (@textmonk) September 7, 2014

An orange fish is separated from its father. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly #RonSwansonQuotes

— cats drinking from your glass (@mocoddle) September 7, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly Viewers realize that Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling will one day become unattractive and then die.

— Svetlana Del Rey (@tsar_bucks) September 7, 2014

Guys go up a river in a boat, snails on a razor, unsound methods, errand boy & grocery clerks, weather seems muggy. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Dan Cugnet (@incugneto) September 7, 2014

Old guy refuses to get a real job so he can go someplace nice with his wife; kidnaps Boy Scout after she dies. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Crutnacker (@Crutnacker) September 7, 2014

Fighter pilots are actually really good at beach volleyball


— Nathan Collier (@thenatejc) September 7, 2014

Shrimp-eating ping-pong player eats a box of chocolates. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Tim Clarke Jr (@TimClarkeJr) September 7, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly four boys must come to the rescue after a new movie causes all out war between Canadians and Americans #SouthPark

— Robert Mulligan (@RobbyMull) September 7, 2014

A talking lion meets a warthog, a meerkat, and a spiritual baboon. Then they meet a hyena. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Moshidi (@MoshidiSA) September 7, 2014

Rich guy drops snow globe, says something about a flower, dies. Mystery of Rosebud is solved, but no talking dogs. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Aunt BNatural (@Notnamelite) September 7, 2014

A shady real estate agent runs afoul of an alien refugee. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Neale Bastiaans (@CallmeBas) September 7, 2014

