
#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly 2014



A Professor of Archeology and adventurer goes in search of a crystal skull then, No….just no. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Gamermd83 (@gamermd83) September 6, 2014

A businessman will have to get his lady friend to stop hooking if he ever wants to kiss her #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Jim Vejvoda (@JimVejvoda) September 6, 2014

Handsome burglars pretend to steal a thing while Julia Roberts plays Julia Roberts #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— J a k e (@JakeInRealLife) September 6, 2014

27 dresses, 0 plot #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Bryan Behar (@bryanbehar) September 6, 2014

I'm done #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly pic.twitter.com/BbBpQVvSKJ

— sunfilter (doesnt want to be homeless!) (@sunfilter) September 6, 2014

Superman does all the stuff that Superman isn't supposed to do. Fat Laurence Fishburne outruns a building. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Jeff May (@heytherejeffro) September 6, 2014

A LARP game goes too far and Elijah Wood loses a finger. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Dan Telfer (@dantelfer) September 6, 2014

Hope Floats floats in space #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Bryan Behar (@bryanbehar) September 6, 2014

A guy finds an ear. Another guy lip synchs to an old song. Naked lady. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Kerry (@echidnabot) September 6, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly ok first there is a star wars. wait let me start over.

— BILL RYAN (@faceyouhate) September 6, 2014

Bernie's dead but it's like he's got a sweet place so these guys can still hang#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Tyler Morrison (@tylermorrison1) September 6, 2014

Gangs sing and dance until somebody brings gun to a knife fight #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Mr. Brightside️ (@Will3K85) September 6, 2014

Not even the town clergyman can get this naughty little girl to shape up.#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Dead Pan Nick (@Contwixt) September 7, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly a little Hawaiian girl finds a blue alien and the government doesnt do anything about it

— river king (@xSTRXNG) September 7, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly In "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" Jim Carrey hangs out in his memory being all EMO missing his relationship

— BeachSloth (@Beach_Sloth) September 6, 2014

Peter Falk reads Fred Savage a long story. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Jon Hurwitz (@jonhurwitz) September 6, 2014

Judge Reinhold gets caught spanking it to Phoebe Cates and throws coffee on a robber in front of Sean Penn #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Wizard of Awes ‍️ (@awescar) September 6, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly paranoid, depressed father loses son, seeks help from mentally handicapped stranger

— Posdmoose (@DOOMmoose96) September 6, 2014

two guys go to weddings uninvited to have sex with vulnerable girls. they both fall in love with vulnerable girls #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Dan Pods (@danny_pods) September 6, 2014

A man dressed as an elf wanders the streets of New York trying to find his dad. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Matt Binkley (@matthew_binkley) September 6, 2014

Боже мой! Ну и ну! http://t.co/hn6kdpyEOS #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly 6-7 Eylül

— Валентин Бог (@749494) September 6, 2014

Idiot travels world and does crazy shit then his mom dies. #explainamovieplotbadly

— Josh James (@joshjamesxxx) September 6, 2014

Cross dressing man learns to cook, clean and care for children #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Kate (@KatieMaree_88) September 6, 2014

An eccentric young man takes over the family motel business when his mother passes on. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Rachel Fisher (@TheRachelFisher) September 6, 2014

Tom Hanks practiced a foreign accent, couldn't leave the airport. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— The REAL #CheekyDre (@CheekyDre) September 6, 2014

Nicolas Cage has a psychic vision of his future and goes and picks up a hooker and drinks himself to death. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— TROUSER SNAKE PLISSKEN (@WeepingCheeto) September 6, 2014

A short guy travels hundreds of miles with friends to throw a ring in a volcano. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Ian Harber (@ianharber) September 6, 2014

Teacher doesn't get job promotion
Liverpool don't win the League#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Richard (@R_GOONER) September 6, 2014

The captain of a cruise liner nominates everyone on board for the #IceBucketChallenge with dire consequences. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Neil Ramjee (@NeilRamjee) September 6, 2014

Marine biologist's research findings largely ignored; wishes he had a bigger boat #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly #explainafilmplotlikeanacademic

— Craken MacCraic (@Craken_MacCraic) September 6, 2014

Two ex-cons play music and destroy a fleet of police cars for God. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Ibuprofen Hippo (@JimJamitis) September 6, 2014

A North Pole employee is in search of his family in NYC. Struggles to acclimate to life in big city. #explainafilmplotbadly

— PJ Donnelly (@Iamthewalrus_33) September 8, 2014

Group of high schoolers smoke weed in a library and sexually harass each other during detention #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Zach The Ripper (@Kiing_Dork) September 7, 2014

Kid goes on joyride after mentor's murder by terrorists in order to go back in time and steal Chuck Berry's career. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Ed Morrissey (@EdMorrissey) September 6, 2014

#explainafilmplotbadly It takes place in a Galaxy not close to here, dude.

— Tobiassen Twain (@Tobiwuh) September 7, 2014

Spock jumps back in time to teenage self and gets laid…Plot later stolen by @HotTubMovie #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly pic.twitter.com/ZjN2lrE3kU

— TrekMovie.com (@TrekMovie) September 7, 2014

A son finally meets his real dad. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly pic.twitter.com/x0Cgt4YWOV

— Blue Czech Mark (@muskrat_john) September 7, 2014

#explainafilmplotbadly A curious teenager travels into the past and discovers they don't have 1.21 gigawatts in 1955.

— Jim G (@AxialEquatorial) September 6, 2014

Marshmallows are wasted as failed academics start own business. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly pic.twitter.com/lSjvkL4gtb

— Johannes Wheeldon (@JusticeLawDev) September 6, 2014

Teenage boy steals car, makes out with his own mother, gets struck by lightning #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly pic.twitter.com/x8e27cFABC

— Sean Moore (@smeghead4269) September 9, 2014

grandma retells her sexual escapades and throws out all the good jewelry #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— marc (rocko) (@_mightymarc_) September 7, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly Vichy Casablanca, 50 year old alcoholic Yank bar owner has an affair with a teen from Norway pic.twitter.com/dQ5P4XiVx4

— Jeff Gauvin (@JeffersonObama) September 7, 2014

Maniacal dictator set on world domination/genocide is tormented by a small band of fighters #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly #russiaviolatedceasefire

— Andrea Chalupa (@AndreaChalupa) September 7, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly a bunch of Japanese people can't get their story straight

— Hey, this is Brian (@heythisisbrian) September 6, 2014

White people "save" and civilize unruly and ignorant POC with their magical and superior White ways. The end! #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Bougie Black Girl (@BougieBlackGurl) September 6, 2014

I think we can all agree that this is the best #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly. | pic.twitter.com/0hSisBIPKa

— Matt Keay (@solilokeay) September 6, 2014

The eccentric son of a dentist uses slave labour to make chocolate. #explainafilmplotbadly

— Raymond (@raygajitos) September 6, 2014

A girl has radical cosmetic surgery, losing her voice in the process, to gain the love of a boy she's never met. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Blossom (@KittenFlower) September 6, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly A man was a boy who's parents died and he didn't like bats so then dressed like one and had a fight with a clown

— anonymous (@AntiVerto) September 7, 2014

