
#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly 2014



#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly Leonardo DiCaprio acts his ass off and gets snubbed for an Oscar

— Justin Carter (@GigawattConduit) September 6, 2014


— The Daylight Factory (@ThDyLghtFctry) September 6, 2014

Ultra violence. Classical music. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Steve Labedz (@SteveLabedz) September 6, 2014

No one actually times how long it takes to steal a car, and Angelina Jolie has platinum dreadlocks #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Brooke (@NvincbleSummer) September 6, 2014


Joseph Gordon-Levitt masturbates for 2 hours.

— Keep 6 feet from me-li (@carnysuccubus) September 6, 2014

Nicholas Cage goes after a little girl dressed in a bear costume #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Austin (@Rinku588) September 6, 2014

Marilyn Monroe stands over a grate and you just about get to see her panties. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Glenn Wiens (@GlennWiens) September 6, 2014

Two guys fight zombies then one becomes a zombie so he lives in the shed and plays video games#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— pandemonium milkshake (@pandemoniumshak) September 6, 2014

Absolutely everyone is obsessed with putting on this one ring #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Koi Anunta (@cataclysmickoi) September 6, 2014

not twitter, the other one#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Wonderful percent trust. (@EyeonicDJ) September 6, 2014

A princess is supposed to be a bride but then she isn't. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Emma (@neutralgardenia) September 6, 2014

Debbie does the Cowboys #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Charlestonion (@Charlestonion) September 6, 2014

A bunch of puppets run around NYC and you never see their legs. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Glenn Wiens (@GlennWiens) September 6, 2014

I guess he still needs to train that dragon #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Joe (@joemessin) September 6, 2014

Mike Myers battles himself in different disguises #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Joshy Claus (@JoshMarino420) September 6, 2014

A Philadelphia Eagles fan loses a dance competition.

— Eddie Love (@EddieLove44) September 6, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly Lucy

Scarlett Johannson takes the meth from Breaking Bad on steroids.

— Keep 6 feet from me-li (@carnysuccubus) September 6, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly Umvc3 Nova infinite

— A (W) Beyond The Pines (@Thefluuu) September 6, 2014

Done dude tells his life waiting for the bus #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Austin (@Rinku588) September 6, 2014

A tribe of apes pick up bones to use as weapons & direct cut into special effects technicians #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly @freyswiththat

— Robert Clements (@robtclements) September 6, 2014

Dude graduates, starts banging total MILF he met at party, then realizes MILF's daughter is hotter. Also a schoolbus. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Sarah Hart (@sarahhart27) September 6, 2014

Taken gets this list of folks from Gandhi that he gotta save #explainafilmplotbadly

— Dave the Black Guy (@Realdaveblack) September 6, 2014

It's a dream inside a dream inside another dream inside yet another dream but I'm not sure I could have been dreaming #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Kylo-Ben (@00Reject) September 6, 2014

The two main characters whose names sound like they could be sex toys compete for the affection of a young boy #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Kyle Brooks (@Taithleach) September 6, 2014

@Rinku588 My new OS is really sexy. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Starz (@Gold_Starz) September 6, 2014

The Marine #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Y21 (@Y21__) September 6, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly Emoticon gone wrong terrorizes a group of shitty budget actors.

— questionable weed pen (@dewontheleaves) September 6, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly Two ladies with similar names both cook beef stew.

— Vilified Ostracized (@brakinggnus) September 6, 2014

@Rinku588 KANEDAAAAAAAA!!! #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Jacey (@Jaceymon05) September 6, 2014

TETSUOOOOOO!!! #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Austin (@Rinku588) September 6, 2014

@TVMcGee An ocean voyage ends in some lost jewelry. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— RP alt (@RP360alt) September 6, 2014

Some dude snuck onto a boat and a girl. Boat pilot was bogus and sunk it. Dude killed himself to get rid of the girl#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— I Can't Drive 4.5 (@JDWilkinsonII) September 6, 2014

Huge black chick gets knocked up by AIDS-riddled father. Mariah Carey looks like death warmed-over #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Some_Irish_Broad (@Irish_Nurse) September 6, 2014

It's not white boy day. Lots of sex. A suitcase full of drugs. They watch Dr. Zhivago and then almost everyone dies. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Infernoian (he/him) (@unrulyian) September 6, 2014

#explainafilmplotbadly Everybody's hungry. There are games of all sorts.

— Shalimar A. Orion (@ShalimarAOrion) September 6, 2014

#explainafilmplotbadly The car is in love with its owner. Tries to kill everybody.

— Shalimar A. Orion (@ShalimarAOrion) September 6, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly Two dudes, a case thingy, a wife, a bald boxer, and a restaurant @NotoriousJBP #PulpFiction

— Jesus (@JesusAC137) September 6, 2014

An old, rich guy wants his sled. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— EssBee (@EssBee44) September 6, 2014

Edward Norton is all green & shit, and can't save this movie if his life depended on it #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Some_Irish_Broad (@Irish_Nurse) September 6, 2014

There is Black Guy, The White Dude From SNL and a CubanB .. They have to get Kindergarden Cop out of Jail With Weed #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Damian Vanore (@DamianVanore23) September 6, 2014

The hero, Hitler, kills the bad guy, also Hitler. Tom Cruise failed to kill Hitler in that other movie. #explainafilmplotbadly

— Cheetahdave (@CheetahdaveDave) September 6, 2014

Girl who lives in a black and white world dreams in color. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly #WizardOfOz

— Joshy Claus (@JoshMarino420) September 6, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly NOLA debutante wears red dress to a party, works in healthcare.

— Laura (@opheliacat) September 6, 2014

#explainafilmplotbadly Nieve chick with an over – protective mom has major issues with other high school kids. She kills everyone.

— Shalimar A. Orion (@ShalimarAOrion) September 6, 2014

Two stoners drive a van and get high a lot #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— LoveKraft Mac n Cheese (@TheRealMattL) September 6, 2014

Leonardo DiCaprio and Martin Scorsese should just fuck and get it over with #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly @Irish_Nurse

— Joe (@joemessin) September 6, 2014

His uncle sucks, his brother is kind of a dick, and he's a liar. He redeems himself with dancing and bass fishing. #explainafilmplotbadly

— Cheetahdave (@CheetahdaveDave) September 6, 2014

#explainafilmplotbadly Dead chick. Pops out of tvs and kills others for no reason.

— Shalimar A. Orion (@ShalimarAOrion) September 6, 2014

#explainafilmplotbadly Something about a heist of a casino by eleven men and an ocean. Happens a few times.

— Shalimar A. Orion (@ShalimarAOrion) September 6, 2014

Incompetent stoner and a chick who is way out of his league start a family #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— TROUSER SNAKE PLISSKEN (@WeepingCheeto) September 6, 2014

