
#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly 2014



#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly Sarah Newlin is a decent singer, but still a control freak.

— Leah Barrientos (Hough) (@LHPrincess13) September 7, 2014

@emtothea Two animated sisters; one falls for the wrong guy, other struggles with thermoregulation. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Rebecca Barrick (@RebeccaBarrick) September 7, 2014

It starts out with apes, but then Siri's grandfather tries to murder two astronauts aboard a space station. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Rob Peterson (@ShotDrJr) September 7, 2014

Aliens transform into cars. They look for a giant box. Things explode. Meggan Fox bends over a few times. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— James M Snell (@jasnell) September 7, 2014

Lmao RT @CarolynRodham: Prom queen gets pranked, loses temper #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Trillest (@NiaColetta) September 7, 2014

After conflict with bandmate's aged relative, drummer contemplates leaving wildly popular band, plays on TV show. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Bonanos (@bonanos) September 7, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly Nazis invade Austria, & children sing

— Gert (I/me/my/mine) (@Gert) September 7, 2014

@HaroldItz #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly Two young reporters investigate a hotel burglary making them famous and a corrupt president resign.

— SuzyBlueLady (@SuzyBlueLady) September 7, 2014

New England sheriff shuts down his town's beach just as summer begins #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Terrence T. McDonald (@terrencemcd) September 7, 2014

@MadShangi I'm not gonna hit ya. The hell I ain't gonna hit ya #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— lori ink (@lorimink) September 7, 2014

Siblings chased all over Chicago area #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Ross D. Silverman (@phlu) September 7, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly kinky sex escapades loosely based on Twilight.

— iѕa ϟ (@Miamigurl26) September 7, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly.Can't have kids get reckt with Batman's Butler, can have kids..

— Nemesis of Luxons (@egorub) September 7, 2014

Everybody dies except these two dudes. #explainafilmplotbadly

— Big Muncharoo (@sound_posted) September 7, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly Banker goes to prison,meets Morgan Freeman, gets raped a lot, reads bible, escapes prison, runs to Mexico with Morgan

— Andrew Hoover (@djhoover1013) September 7, 2014

A group of latchkey kids avoid child abuse, befriend a deformed special needs giant and save Oregon.#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Eric Price (@priceofcomedy) September 7, 2014

No one thinks the underdog will win, but then they do. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— the momma (@FoxholePrayers) September 7, 2014

George Lucas riffs on the Wizard Of Oz in outer space.

— kulturhack (@kulturhack) September 7, 2014

Daydreaming kid who grew up in desert ships off to space, finds out his dad is evil, asthmatic, dresses in black #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Pete Vidovich (@PVidz) September 7, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly theres a magic box and the psycho lesbian kills everyone

— distant sea goat (@uhlocalghost) September 7, 2014

A young Wesley Crusher goes looking for a dead body @wilw #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Smogzilla (@Smogzilla) September 7, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly Spidey and Gwen eyefucking each other and throwing two bad dudes in the middle of it.

— Shash vs Evil Dead (@GrandmastaShash) September 7, 2014

John McClaine doesn't realize he's dead until a young boy tells him what's up. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Wajahat Ali (@WajahatAli) September 7, 2014

Mickey Rourke parties like a fireman. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Steve Re-seen it (@steverecine) September 7, 2014

Young Boy and his brother travel to California. Breasts are touched. Gloves are powered. Super Mario Brothers 3!!! #explainafilmplotbadly

— Jorflin Escrot Scorbio ‍ (@mrgipson) September 7, 2014

There's this leopard & this guy w/a dinosaur bone & this wacky socialite & a dinosaur falls apart &…Oh, forget it. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Michael Flamini (@MichaelFlamini) September 7, 2014

Will Ferrel thinks he's still funny. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly #Anchorman2

— mtsheppy.chee.gay bsky️ (@mtsheppy) September 7, 2014

'Mission was actually possible': Movies hilariously summed up with #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly http://t.co/bf9s5CUUbX

— Angie Beakley (@AngieBeakley) September 7, 2014

Soylent green is people. Seriously, it is. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Ray Bryant (@duckmetro) September 7, 2014

Underdog hockey team pulls together for Flying V #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Susan W (@susankw) September 7, 2014

Three guys go fishing. Two come back. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Jim Kennedy (@jimkennedy250) September 7, 2014

Dim-witted petty thief and correctional officer wife kidnap baby from unpainted furniture tycoon in the desert #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— ckbuttermann (@ckbuttermann) September 7, 2014

In Africa, litter from planes is a bad thing. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Olympia Press (@olympiapress) September 7, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly There are several layers and everything's confusing.

— Star cr: tbosas (@wanted2befound) September 7, 2014

Boy meets old woman; they want to shag….were the '70s really this wild? #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Attila Gokbudak (@Tilly70) September 7, 2014

Two failing high school students get an A on their history report paving the way for a utopian society. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Mary Beth Constante (@ehm_bee) September 7, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly a fish thet destroys a few boats. Eats a few people and a dog. with a drunk man called quin and a coppa

— lewis quilt (@quilty09) September 7, 2014

John Travolta dances and then gets shot by Bruce Willis who then fights Ving Rhames who then gets raped. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Lucas Flanagan (@Gorillabisqit) September 7, 2014

The Addams Family: a mentally-handicapped family who think it's always Halloween get chastised by their neighborhood. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— David Jones Wilson (DaveTheUseLess) (@davetheUseLess) September 7, 2014

A guy wears a hat then whips Nazis and a French guy to find Moses' suitcase.


— TV's Mike Bunger (@MikeBunger) September 7, 2014

A Highly Esteemed Delta Brother With a 0.0 GPA Reminds Everyone About How The Germans Bombed Pearl Harbor #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Hole Lover (@APLesbians) September 7, 2014

Old lady murders teens at abandoned summer camp. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Nihil Surfer (@NihilSurfer) September 7, 2014

Shakespeare was a fraud. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Jane Abbott (@JaneKAbbott) September 7, 2014

.@TheRock in a tutu #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Pfeiffer (@jamespfeiffer) September 7, 2014

The life of Bob Fosse, but with that dude from that movie about the big shark. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Brian Donovan (@GoldDiggerBook) September 7, 2014

Man breaks into song during a thunderstorm. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Rob Peterson (@ShotDrJr) September 7, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly: This film contains neither crouching tigers or hidden dragons.

— Marc Quill | #RingCrashers | MQWrites (@MarcQuill) September 7, 2014

Guy has OCD, falls in love with waitress. They go on trip with artist. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Michelle L T (@mictori) September 7, 2014

@ninnyfarm crazy family adopts mouse and raise him as their son #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— alex (@muhrieeee) September 7, 2014

Sharp fingers, leather jump suite, old guy dies, Winona Ryder smoking hot, nice bushes #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— joseph (@josetexter) September 7, 2014

