
#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly 2014



#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly reclusive weirdo and his mutant employees lure children into his factory with sweets then dispose of them one by one

— pastryarchy (@LifeOfSham) September 6, 2014

Everybody wants a worthless bird statue. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Mark Dujsik (@markreviews) September 6, 2014

Dude try to help find the cure to zombies, but injects himself with a disease. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— sierra (@officially_sii) September 6, 2014

2 sisters don't get along and resolve their differences thru a snowball fight that nearly destroys the town #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Chris Greffin (@ChrisGreffin) September 6, 2014

Team of hastily gathered footballers win a match and walk out the exit with the crowd #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Brian (@hereisbrian) September 6, 2014

A guy uses hammers and his cute younger girlfriend to find out why he was imprisoned for so long. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Tim (formerly from First Time Watchers) (@1sttimewatchers) September 6, 2014

#explainafilmplotbadly Fern Gully by James Cameron

— Doo Doo Economics (@DooDooEcon) September 6, 2014

Funny badasses get framed for stealing @USTreasury property, drive a m1a1 off a cargo plane, use recoil to not die. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Joshua (@SirJoshWah) September 6, 2014

An old lady remembers that a giant boat sank. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Kyle (@kyle_vanover) September 6, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly Aliens who look exactly like American teenagers blow up their school fighting other aliens pic.twitter.com/e2BagTq5nu

— Kayleigh (@Irenapuella) September 6, 2014

Yogi gone wild. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly pic.twitter.com/NO3woCKFUr

— The Horror Guru (@TheHorrorGuru) September 6, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly young boy moves away and is relentlessly pursued by delusional cowboy and highly-trained space mercenary.

— Nyarlathotapdancer (@DameBootyBench) September 6, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly "@Lileks: If I can recognize a movie from the description, you haven't really explained the plot badly."

— (((RichardGCombs))) (@rgcombs) September 6, 2014

A reclusive man in strange clothes offers children their fill of candy before he kills them. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly http://t.co/cI2CfycDq1

— Lewis Malka (@lewismalka) September 6, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly So a guy does a thing. The end.

— TP (@MasterTP1) September 6, 2014

@MrDanHerrera #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly black and white plaid is my favorite

— sariel (@gamiliell) September 6, 2014

Soldiers look for the only member of the Ryan family smart enough to duck during the war. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— TROUSER SNAKE PLISSKEN (@WeepingCheeto) September 6, 2014

Kid is lost in a different city w/the same 2 bad guys he previously fended off in his home town. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Dan J. (@DanJ_83) September 6, 2014

Yeah…Dumbledore dies #explainafilmplotbadly

— Jake Jacobson (@StandupguyJake) September 6, 2014

Drug messiah makes the worms turn & conquers the galaxy. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— David Buchan (@Buchan_David_) September 6, 2014

Illegal Immigrant stops real estate scam #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Magical Girl Superman (@ohmygil) September 6, 2014

Two guys have dinner. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Del Rayva (@delrayva) September 6, 2014

Six gunman and one wannabe clean up a village from a Jewish Mexican bandit and his gang. Three survive. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— The Chalcenteric Kid (@AlaninSoFlo) September 6, 2014

Liam neeson kills everyone in Istanbul because they kidnapped his daughter. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Jordan (@ImJT_Bitch) September 6, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly a man's chest pains play hide and seek with Sigourney Weaver

— Travesty (@MWTravesty) September 6, 2014

#explainafilmplotbadly If only Colin Farrell owned a mobile phone…..then he wouldn't have had to take so much shit from Kiefer Sutherland

— Simon Finlan (@FinlanSimon) September 6, 2014

@HayesBrown A private eye is hired 2 look 4 a guy, except he isn't but does anyway & the freaky chick is super freaky #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Steve Weintz (@Moe_Delaun) September 6, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly a100year old guy stalks a 17year old guy but its ok cause he looks 17.It sounds creepy but it's actually romantic

— The Incredible Sulk (@chimwemwerufaro) September 6, 2014

Armed with a harpoon and an interest in marine biology, man decides he might need a bigger boat. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Leeroy Halloween (@leecoxon) September 6, 2014

Two booksellers hate each other in real life but are in-love online. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Noor (@Noor17) September 6, 2014

A cowboy and an astronaut argue over who is better friends with a child. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Max Hoover (@themaxhoover) September 6, 2014

James Caan regrets not getting E-ZPass. Brando makes poor citrus choice. A cannoli. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Josh Liebster is now @jlobster@vmst.io (@jlobster) September 6, 2014

Girl comes on her period then murders her entire school on prom night. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Oliver Askew (@OliAskew) September 6, 2014

Man with skin condition is very good at impersonations. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Nevan Hartle (@DocPorpoise) September 6, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly Dream on forever.

— Wat Ching (@watching102) September 6, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly posh English people do Love in various ways

— Lis Long (@LisGraceLong) September 6, 2014

The imaginary ones are more real. =A Beautiful Mind #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— driven (@__driven__) September 6, 2014

Teenager sees a gigant rabbit, teenager dies in the end #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— David Klinga (@Klinga101) September 6, 2014

Ted from that phonebooth movie learns to bend time to save dirty homeless people. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Jake Lloyd Bacon (@JakeLloydBacon) September 6, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly Teen becomes involved with prostitute and wrecks dad's car while parents are out of town

— @jdrch on Threads (@jdrch) September 6, 2014

Precious: Silverback gorilla tries to survive in the BET version of The Truman Show. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Michael Rainey (@mikerainey82) September 6, 2014

So a truck who is also a robot befriends a dinosaur who is also robot and they save the world with cool cars #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Fat Cat Cleb (@Enderparadox) September 6, 2014

Something something DANGER ZONE! #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Mark Birrell (@markwbirrell) September 6, 2014

Dr Who and The Daleks – Psycho inventor turns race of nice blonde people into warrior nutcases. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Will Barber-Taylor (@WBarberTaylor) September 6, 2014

Two robosexuals save the planet for fatties #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Post Bologna (@Davethulu) September 6, 2014

A classic altruistic superhero is given a reboot in a horrible film by Zack Snyder. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly Or is it #explainabadfilmplot?

— Nicholas Slayton nslayton.bluesky.social (@NSlayton) September 6, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly Dirty Harry and Mark Antony try to infiltrate a German base built on a cliff.

— Marc Sheehan (@MarcSheehan006) September 6, 2014

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly Andy Dwyer, a green warrior, a wrestler, and a talking raccoon and tree walk into a bar…

— Stacy Krolczyk (@StacyKrolczyk) September 6, 2014

Tina Turner leaves pimp(like) musician. Shakes a tailfeather or two. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

— Shawn Moon (@courier502) September 6, 2014

