Why is a movie in which the leads realize “Facebook” is a much better name than “The Facebook” called “The Social Network”?#MovieErrorsThatBugMe
— Alan MacEachern (@alanmaceachern) February 7, 2021
This one always bothered me because it’s so GLARINGLY obvious. The pirate kid in Pirates of the Caribbean 3 had braces and Disney did a horrible job disguising them. All the special effects at their disposal and they couldn’t hide braces? #MovieErrorsThatBugMe
— Nathan Wind (@matty_angles) February 7, 2021
Cinderella’s shoe falling off her foot when clearing it was a perfect fit #MovieErrorsThatBugMe
— PLTNMMCMXCV (@ImThatGuy_AJK) February 7, 2021
That several scenes of Luke Skywalker (@HamillHimself) in #TLJ were deleted (I could only find 2 deleted scenes here) @1Flukeskywalker @ItsMarkHamill @LitaNeumann @maka_gh @Jedi_Archivist @Tai_Chi_Jedi— Kirin Fett (Owner of a Bantha) (@KirinArnold) February 7, 2021
Allowing John Lennon to have blue eyes in a movie that came out in 2009. #MovieErrorsThatBugMe #NowhereBoy
— Angela Cobb (@angelacobb) February 7, 2021
That version of Nosferatu that Don Knotts was a stunt double.#MovieErrorsThatBugMe
— Tony Cronin (@TonyJCronin) February 7, 2021
Casting Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher— pickapunch (@cragnorson) February 7, 2021
Trump in The Little Rascals #MovieErrorsThatBugMe
— Dan Levey (@iamdanlevey) February 7, 2021
To be an up coming Actor is not easy , if you don’t have extra means of income hunger will so slap you ehhh!!#actorslife #MovieErrorsThatBugMe
— Elderosazee (@ElderOsazee) February 8, 2021
#MovieErrorsThatBugMe when they apparate onto the hogwarts bridge in fantastic beasts 2. You can’t!! Apparate!! Onto Hogwarts grounds!!!
— Kiss || Barbie stan before it was cool (@kissinchaosx) February 7, 2021
Sean Connery trims his beard while looking over the cliff to see if Indiana Jones died. #MovieErrorsThatBugMe
— KP | (@kevinpowers70) February 7, 2021
hosie endgame so true #MovieErrorsThatBugMe
— pav (@wandashosie) February 7, 2021
#MovieErrorsThatBugMe Avengers End Gane- when fat Thor is peeing in Asgard and his pajama pants have a zipper sound.
— Damnitgirlie (@damnitgirlie) February 7, 2021
When they use actors who are CLEARLY not teenagers for teenager roles #MovieErrorsThatBugMe
— Nathan Wind (@matty_angles) February 7, 2021
#MovieErrorsThatBugMe Bella Swan’s missing foot in Twilight
— شرشبيل (@usopp007) February 7, 2021
I don’t know if “error” is the right word but I’ll always remember the guy throwing a dog into the sea as Hulk Hogan cruises by in No Holds Barred.#MovieErrorsThatBugMe
— James Stebick (@DoctorStebick) February 7, 2021
When movies try to convince us that this woman would have a hard time finding a boyfriend #MovieErrorsThatBugMe
— Chekov’s gunman (@silentnoyse) February 7, 2021
The obligatory after sex sheet scene. It’s lame we know what they did why keep doing this? #MovieErrorsThatBugMe
— abbeynrml art (@TheRealAngelece) February 7, 2021
The terrible spray-on snow and foamy slush in almost every Hallmark movie. Sprayed onto green deciduous leaves. ️ #MovieErrorsThatBugMe
— Pippi (@andrealfme) February 7, 2021
The props department phoning it in for Phantom Menace#MovieErrorsThatBugMe
— Stephanie Pelley (@StephaniePelley) February 7, 2021
#MovieErrorsThatBugMe Buzz Lightyear knows his character’s mythology but Woody doesn’t remember Woody’s Round Up
— Andrew Klein (@LORDKLEIN) February 7, 2021
— B Harrison Smith (@HarrisonSmith85) February 7, 2021
I love how when something starts trending, Twitter just assumes it’s political. #MovieErrorsThatBugMe
— Mastodon (@TimelordIroh) February 7, 2021
In Me, Myself, and Irene when the nose whistle gag lasts for the rest of the film.
— Sara Earle (@saraearleart) February 7, 2021
“Descendants1” from Disney Channel has deadly error that have the headmistress explain that the family day’s Sunday, have the protagonist say “Friday’s the coronation”, then on the family day(Sunday) the soon to be the king says “tomorrow’s the coronation” #MovieErrorsThatBugMe
— (@Thr_iii) February 7, 2021
Every Ancient Greek or Roman film where all the actors have British accents #MovieErrorsThatBugMe
— Jim (@bubblesmtl) February 7, 2021
People seem to be able to hold their breath for a super long amount of time underwater in a love scene, but in an emergency situation it’s like 10 seconds #MovieErrorsThatBugMe
— iluvarainynight (@LaTcHKeY_KiD1) February 7, 2021
All the years Leo got snubbed for an Oscar. #MovieErrorsThatBugMe
— T H Ξ D Я Ξ W ©️ (@thedrewseph) February 7, 2021
#MovieErrorsThatBugMe Any time someone enters a password, or uses a computer
— Carloween The Movie Lt (@ThiefCGT) February 7, 2021
In Step Up 2 there’s an epic dance scene in the rain and one of the guys dancing with the tan hat keep going from having a sweater to no sweater in each shot ️️️ #MovieErrorsThatBugMe
— Deloré (@LynnDelore) February 7, 2021
#MovieErrorsThatBugMe this fcking baby
— herc / andie (new name)- they/them (@QueerHercules) February 7, 2021
Bucky’s hair in Infinity War. I guess he got his hair highlighted right before everybody else got there. #MovieErrorsThatBugMe
— Ranae (@TheNerdyCatLady) February 7, 2021
Matrix II and III [that they exist]#MovieErrorsThatBugMe
— brett Fish anderson (@BrettFishA) February 7, 2021
Any movie that reverses time, yet many things don’t add up #MovieErrorsThatBugMe
— GreenShreeves (@EvanSmith2) February 7, 2021
Tire tracks
in a western movie.— KC (@ClassicRokker) February 7, 2021
The fact that in Return of the Jedi, Leia somehow has memories of her birth mother which she tells Luke about even though Revenge of the Sith later contradicted this by having Padme die almost immediately after giving birth to Luke and Leia #MovieErrorsThatBugMe
— Jambopaul: The Gamer In Pyjamas (@JPGamerinPyjama) February 7, 2021
Nothing bugged me more as a kid than the changing locations of Kirk’s blood stains in Wrath of Khan. #MovieErrorsThatBugMe
— Drew Savage (@DrewSavage) February 7, 2021
As a kid I didn’t really care the logic of this scene but as you grow up and rewatch it you think about it and your like (how?) so I go online to see and this is what I found. Still the best movie to this day️️ #MovieErrorsThatBugMe
— (@HevPro) February 7, 2021
Tyrannosaurus could keep up to a full-speed jeep in the first film and after that could not keep up to Humans running #MovieErrorsThatBugMe
— Shane Steward Music (@shanemsteward) February 7, 2021
— Tennessee Moltisanti (@Fossclot) February 7, 2021
#MovieErrorsThatBugMe Ballpoint pen in #MissPotter. I’ve watched this movie a bajillion times, often playing the bg while I work, and I love it to pieces. However, I noticed this a few months back and I think about it often. It shouldn’t bother me this much lol
— Sheryl V Hicks Art (@SherylVHicksArt) February 7, 2021
#MovieErrorsThatBugMe When characters hang up the phone without saying goodbye!
— AmyAwes0me (@AmyAwes0me) February 7, 2021
#MovieErrorsThatBugMe obviously empty coffee cups. full cups move with inertia and weight – I’d put water in them
— Protopop Games | Solo Dev (@protopop) February 7, 2021
When people have telephone conversations in movies and you can’t hear the voice on the other end. There’s no way they had time to ask that question before the character in frame answers the question. #MovieErrorsThatBugMe
— blancolo (@eblanclo) February 7, 2021
#MovieErrorsThatBugMe Whenever and actor crawls into an air vent in a movie, it is always perfectly clean. Have you ever seen an air vent in real life that wasn’t caked in dust? I have never seen a dirty air vent in any movie. Prove me wrong.
— Eric Goddard (@tackjibe) February 7, 2021
In “The Untouchables,” the scene where the IRS agent and Capone’s accountant get clipped evidently takes places in a Wonka-vator or a #StarTrek turbolift because it goes across a hallway to another side of the building. #MovieErrorsThatBugMe
— Pieter J. Ketelaar 3 (@PieterJKetelaar) February 7, 2021
In “Hercules” when he goes to save Meg in the underworld, Hades and him are standing on a cliff looking down at the dead and in the next scene Hercules can just bend over and touch the water. #MovieErrorsThatBugMe
— DanWithAPlan247 (@DanWithAPlan247) February 7, 2021
I love how most of the tweets I’m seeing in #MovieErrorsThatBugMe are more like “Creative Choices That Bug Me”.
— Cam Griffin | Pink Bile (@PinkBile) February 7, 2021