

Watch Zack Snyder's Justice League | Prime Video


This scene should already be given #OscarsCheerMoment https://t.co/RyqrNeApSe

— jvspeaks (@JavedEce) May 25, 2022

If this had been the #OscarsCheerMoment nominee, no one would have accused us of using bots because you know everybody voting for this. #JasonMomoa #Abs pic.twitter.com/qA8Qv1bXMZ

— Sarah #ReleaseTheGreenLanternScene (@sarebstare) May 16, 2022

Lord darkseid has arrived with his armada at the oscars to collect his great prize… #OscarsCheerMoment #RestoreTheSnyderVerse pic.twitter.com/Tz2R1j9w81

— H.J Lathem (@Harlem917324771) May 15, 2022

I am a bot. Never met a real person. I voted for #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague #OscarsCheerMoment #Sweepstakes #ReleaseTheSnyderCut #RestoreTheSnyderVerse ‍️

— Ser ChrisThor – A Knight of Snyder (@BatComixChris) May 14, 2022

We voted for Flash: At the Speed of Force #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague for #OscarsCheerMoment

Pass it on pic.twitter.com/yLOTdeQlfT

— LUISKINpark #RestoreTheSnyderVerse (@LUISKINpark11) May 14, 2022

We voted for Flash:At the Speed of Force #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague for #OscarsCheerMoment

PASS IT ON#RestoreTheSnyderVerse https://t.co/6OfAdAD51S

— Stevan Manzo (@StevanManzo) May 13, 2022

We voted for Flash: At the Speed of Force #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague for #OscarsCheerMoment

Pass it on https://t.co/s8ErY1dLbv

— Toby (@Tobymeitrix) May 13, 2022

The sanctity of #OscarsFanFavorite & #OscarsCheerMoment is intact…#RestoreTheSnyderVerse, @wbd.
Thank you, Mr. @DavidZaslav.https://t.co/0Moyax9HjF

— Jay Bewise It’s WISE to #RestoreTheSnyderVerse (@JBewise) May 13, 2022

We voted for Flash: At the Speed of Force #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague for #OscarsCheerMoment

Pass it on https://t.co/u6qfTpjLNi

— #MexicoMereceMas (@MissLulusita) May 13, 2022

Definitely not a bot.

I voted for #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague #AtTheSpeedOfForce for #OscarsCheerMoment

— Deejay Pile (@deejaypile) May 13, 2022

We voted for Flash:At the Speed of Force #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague for #OscarsCheerMoment
Fair and square and followed all rules

PASS IT ON pic.twitter.com/D6WeP6cfDo

— Navoneel Nag (@Neel_navo) May 13, 2022

I am not a bot. I just voted️#ZackSnydersJusticeLeague :
Flash Speed Force#OscarsCheerMoment #Sweepstakes#RestoreTheSnyderVerse pic.twitter.com/8a0dv8NBMe

— Daniel#BringBackZackSnyder (@LopzMoya) May 13, 2022

We voted for Flash: At The Speed Of Force #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague for #OscarsCheerMoment

Pass it on! https://t.co/8ahwBd9T5N

— Kevin (@metalbeing) May 13, 2022

the film won the #OscarsFanFavorite
and Zack Snyder’s Justice League won the #OscarsCheerMoment for the scene when The Flash enters the Speed Force.

— Celeste ANTHRO NEW ENGLAND (@Celestebun) April 23, 2022

#FilmTwitter complains about Will Smith, and yet they gave #EzraMiller the #OscarsCheerMomentpic.twitter.com/mod5otKko9

— Nicholas Spake (@NSpake) April 20, 2022

This is why this won the #OscarsCheerMoment. Yeah, 3 Spidermen showing up is awesome, but Flash literally saved the ENTIRE WORLD in this moment. No actually, he RESTORED the entire world from utter destruction. So…#RestoreTheSnyderVerse https://t.co/bISEX45twE

— SteppenLot is the Ass of Boe (@Apokolips_MEOW) April 3, 2022

#ZackSnyder is really the #goat now. #OscarsFanFavorite #oscarscheermoment #oscar #RestoreTheSnyderVerse

— atonuhaque1996 #freepalestine (@FAZLULHAQUE1996) April 2, 2022

Imagine if the #OscarsCheerMoment winner was the “Save Martha” scene from BvS pic.twitter.com/0lqB0P5lZe

— Leonardo Oliveira (@Leo_Rafael99) March 31, 2022

#ZackSnydersJusticeLeague getting released and winning the #OscarsCheerMoment

— jAy PAsión (@jAyPersist) March 30, 2022

Regarding all the backlash surrounding #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague winning the #oscarscheermoment , people calling it unfair, how is it unfair? Think about it, it was literally against giants like #Endgame and #NoWayHome

— Zain Shaikh (@AnarchistMonk) March 30, 2022

I took off early from work Sunday and started a free YouTube TV trial just to watch the #Oscars Totally worth it for #ZackSnyder #OscarsFanFavorite #OscarsCheerMoment plus @amyschumer @billieeilish @jes_chastain pic.twitter.com/FFuQ335u98

— Chad Clinton Freeman (@pollystaffle) March 30, 2022

“Academy Winner,Global Phenomenom Zack Snyder’s Justice League”#ZackSnydersJusticeLeague #ZackSnyder #UsUnited #RestoreTheSnyderVerse #OscarsFanFavorite #Oscar #Oscars2022 #OscarsCheerMoment pic.twitter.com/g3pIAxSYuJ

— HRNÁN GALIC (@CyberSeduction) March 30, 2022

Could be heard yelling “want to see my #OscarsCheerMoment as I enter the speed force?” https://t.co/Aom0OhYgKr

— Ben Erickson (@eric1743) March 30, 2022

The greatest fandom in the history of the world. #SnyderCut #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague #oscarscheermoment #ArmyOfTheDead #oscarsfanfavorite #RestoreTheSnyderVerse https://t.co/kIrlaVLfxO

— atonuhaque1996 #freepalestine (@FAZLULHAQUE1996) March 29, 2022

I am cheering #OscarsCheerMoment

— Uncle Bucko (@rct2guy) March 29, 2022

Nah..#OscarsCheerMoment for favourite scene#OscarsFanFavorite for favourite movie

— Akhilesh (@im25akhil) March 29, 2022

an #OscarsCheerMoment, clearly

— InsertCleverNameHere (@neufonewhodis) March 29, 2022


— Eileen Andrews (@ThatEileenEnby) March 29, 2022

Yo vi que Will Smith se cagó de la risa con el chiste de Chris Rock sobre la Teniente O’Neil 2, pero sólo cuando vio la cara de su esposa, pareció enojarse.#willsmith #ChrisRock #Oscar2022#Oscars #OscarsCheerMoment #alopecia pic.twitter.com/bRccs9KW0i

— Carles Necu (@Carlos_ne_) March 29, 2022

Happy to see that #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague won the #OscarsCheerMoment
But our fight isn’t over yet! Let’s hope this final thing @Discovery needs to see to #RestoreTheSnyderVerse. #ArmyOfTheDead too! #OscarsFanFavorite #ZackSnyder is truly the goat. pic.twitter.com/H7S0PjY1ta

— Aryn Giddens (@GiddyUp_24) March 28, 2022

All kidding aside, after what happened at the #Oscars WB would be total idiots to not hire #ZackSnyder back and #RestoreTheSndyerVerse after that man just took home two awards. #Oscars2022 #OscarsCheerMoment #OscarsFanFavorite pic.twitter.com/zRd9P17FuQ

— The Prince of all Blk Saiyans (@MyAwesomePower) March 28, 2022

Funny how the #OscarsCheerMoment is “not an actual Oscar” but nobody would have brought this up if #AvengersEndgame or #SpiderManNoWayHome had won it pic.twitter.com/uRZ4LSxCb5

— Ademola (@vycevarsir) March 28, 2022

Big win for Zack Snyder fans yesterday :).
The Flash Enters the Speed Force won the most popular vote for #OscarsCheerMoment and #ArmyOfTheDead won the #OscarFanFavorite!#RestoreTheSnyderVerse #Oscars #Oscars2022 pic.twitter.com/4nzaTyauGH

— AddToTheList (@AddToTheList_) March 28, 2022

To be honest, I still haven’t recovered from whatever that #OscarsCheerMoment was supposed to be. #whatamess

— Rogue Crow (@zigada) March 28, 2022

The fans got the #SnyderCut released. The Fans got the #OscarsCheerMoment and the fans will get #RestoreTheSnyderverse . Disney/Marvel/Star Wars fans being so bitter about millions of passionate DC fans who respect Zack Snyder’s work from all over the world having their moment. pic.twitter.com/eAbZXjcijL

— moe (@MoeHilli) March 28, 2022

So much love and respect to @ZackSnyder So happy to have been a part of voting #ArmyoftheDead and #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague for #OscarsFanFavorite and #OscarsCheerMoment awards. No filmmaker alive is as connected to his fans as you! Keep up the passion and fight! pic.twitter.com/UiUuWHcRTy

— Chad Clinton Freeman (@pollystaffle) March 28, 2022

“And the award for #OscarsCheerMoment goes to Zack Snyder’s Justice Lea…” pic.twitter.com/bqMd7VuBzQ

— Brandon ッ (@ReapX0) March 28, 2022

La escena de la SPEEDFORCE se llevó #OscarsCheerMoment.

Una escena épica de la #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague pic.twitter.com/SXNlmCOytE

— Dan Rob (口ブレド ダン) (@DanWillRob) March 28, 2022

